Color Identity:

MTG Lands

Lands filtered by CI: Green

Sac Any Color

Vivid Lands

Cycling Deserts

ETB Spell Lands


Keyword Lands

Also known as: Ability Lands

Legend(ary) Lands

Legendary Assist Lands

Legendary Transformers

Mono Bounces

Also known as: Karoos

Mono Depletions Lands

Mono Manlands

Mono Storage Lands

Also known as: Battery Lands

Perm Type Legendaries

Perm Utility Lands

Also known as: Shadowmoor Utility Lands

Replacement Lands

Sac Desert

Snow Basics

Threshold Lands

Zendikar Landmarks

Artifact Lands

Basic Lands

Cycling Lands

Blighted Lands

Other Lands

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